
I have been gardening all of my life but it wasn't until I began working with the San Pancho Community Garden, under the direction of Maestro Juaquin, that I felt the real connection with soil and plants that is the soul of gardening.  Juaquin willing shares from his wealth of knowledge and experience.  Basic principles of natural life are respectfully used to honor the plants, insects, and animals, all in consideration with the phases of the moon.  Although this may seem obvious to some, this is the first time I've realized the importance... and it makes the difference.
 So, not only am I learning about sifting, tilthing, sowing, and yoga postures for gardening, the other volunteers are introducing me to shamanic influences, spirit dances, zero waste sustainable living, and the pleasure of work when popsicles and wine are included.
Jacque Graff                                                                                                  Lo De Marcos, Mexico

I have always longed to become a self-sufficient farmer.  My gardening efforts in New Mexico have been met with limited success in the past.  Plant diseases and struggling seedlings from transplants were common problems.  The biodynamic and French-intensive methods learned from Juaquin has transformed my concept of what is possible for me as a budding farmer and for my community.   The soil preparation techniques for seedlings amplify the plant support conditions for optimal growth, essentially making extremely healthy and vibrant plants.  Different soil preparation techniques for transplants again provide for optimal growth.   Raised bed preparations and seeding strategies offered have transformed my thinking about what is necessary for optimal plant growth.  Under Joaquin’s guidance, the hands-on experience has been the key to enabling me to not only practice the methods for myself but more importantly to offer his teachings to others in my community.
I have had such enthusiasm for making soil that I have begun immediately, now that I have returned back to my community.  Using the methods of soil preparation learned I have begun making soil for recently received bare root walnut trees and raspberry and loganberry shrubs.  Now that I have a direct experience of making soil, planting seed, transplanting seedlings, raised bed preparation and watering regimes, I have the confidence to realizing my dream.  I am forever thankful to Juaquin and his enormous contribution to my life and my community.
Mark Bremer                                                                                              Madrid, New Mexico - USA