Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Making more Raised Beds-Tilthing the Soil >< Más Camas Elevadas - Labrando la Tierra

Today, we learned first how to trace and build raised beds.

Hoy aprendimos como delimitar y hacer camas elevadas.

The bed is quite wide, but narrow enough so that the center is reached by either side. Using one of our spades as a guide for the bed width, Juaquin begins by digging the path, putting the excavated soil onto the bed.

La cama es ancha, pero no tanto como para que se pueda acceder el centro de ambos lados. Usando una de las palas como guía para el ancho de la cama, Juaquín comienza a excavar el camino, colocando esa tierra sobre la cama.

Using a larger shovel, he widens the path, again putting the soil on the bed.

Usando una pala mayor, ensancha el camino, nuevamente colocando la tierra en la cama.

Using a rake, the bed soil is gently leveled.

Usando el rastrillo, se nivela la cama delicadamente.

Next is "tilthing" the soil. Using a fork, and a specific whipping motion, soil is finely broken up, while integrity of bed and edges are maintained.

See Video of Tilthing Motion here

Next, we "top-dressed" all the new beds, sprinkling a fine layer of finely sifted horse manure and compost on them. We then "sift-turned" the manure and compost into the beds.

Lo que sigue es un tipo de labrado especial, en inglés "tilthing". Usando un bieldo, se golpea la tierra continuamente, como un latigazo, para desmoronar la tierra paleada, manteniendo la integridad de la cama y sus bordes.

Ver video del movimiento aquí

A continuación, se abonan superficialmente las camas, esparciendo una capa fina de estiércol y composta cernida. Luego se incorpora el abono a las camas.

Pitchu, our new garden mascot, demonstrating how comfortable the edges of the raised beds are.

Pitchu, la nueva mascota del jardín, demostrando lo cómodos que son los bordes de las camas elevadas.

A friend brought Amaranth (purchased for cooking) and Alfafa seeds (purchased for sprouting). We planted both grains in boxes to test whether seeds will germinate. Both these grains make excellent cover crops to enrich the soil and make green manure.

Un amigo trajo amaranto (preparado para cocinar) y semillas de alfafa (preparadas para germinar). Sembramos ambos granos en cajas para probar su germinación. Los dos granos son excelentes cultivos de cobertura que enriquecen el suelo y producen abono verde.

Making more raised beds in the other garden areas.
Transplanting seedling in boxes
Transplanting other seedlings, and sowing seeds, in the raised beds
Making soil for transplanting
We needs lots of hands!

We will continue building the new compost pile while also clearing the old pile. Bring your friends. Wear work clothes and good boots. We have some gloves, bring yours if you have any.

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